We are extremely proud and excited to introduce you to INCENTIVES!
Our innovative & distinctively designed format gives you, our advertisers, more choices & even better rates to reach your potential customers. Take your advertising investment, add some MAGIC & get a return you can take to the bank!
In these challenging economic times, we continually work to provide our clients with the most effective advertising for the lowest rates in our market area. Our format provides your potential customers with more choices to EAT + SHOP + PLAY and ENJOY the best products and services from Locally Owned Businesses for LESS!
We sincerely appreciate you, our clients, and will continue to strive to always be your first choice when it comes to promoting your business to the best customers in West St. Tammany Parish (our readers).
We are sincerely grateful & appreciate you as a local business owner & Thank You for what you do for your family, your business & our community.
Thank You
Chuck & Sandy Morris
Locally Owned & Family Operated by Northshore Natives

Achieve Measurable Results with a Superior Quality • Image Building Ad • Uniquely Designed to Effectively Create Awareness • Inform • Attract and Motivate Affluent Buyers into Your Business and Do It with an Affordable Investment!
For over 39 years, we’ve helped locally owned businesses effectively attract new, affluent customers, strengthen their relationship with their current customers and do it with a more affordable investment than anybody else.
We offer Direct Mail Programs on Steroids, designed to track the effectiveness of your advertising campaign while enhancing your results through the seamless integration of up to 13 Digital Technologies
Mailed to Individually Named, Affluent Homeowners & Businesses with an
Average Annual Income of $131,274
Reach Over 54,400 to Over 108,800
Top Quality • Affluent Buyers
Choose ONE Mailing Area or TWO Mailing Areas for Maximum Exposure :
LA01 Mandeville/Abita Springs Mailing Area Approximately 20,000 Homeowners & Businesses
LA02 Covington/Madisonville Mailing Area Approximately 20,000 Homeowners & Businesses
38,000+ Mailed • 2,000+ Distributed thru
Acquistapace’s • Rouses Markets • Coffee Shops and Various Businesses throughout West St Tammany Parish Includes 35,000+ Homeowners and 3,000+ Business Owners • Reaching Over 108,800 Affluent Buyers

Mailing lists are updated and certified by the USPS for every issu e Advertising Space Is on a First Come – First Serve Basis as Most Issues Are Sold Out Before Deadlines! We are here to help you reach your goals and meet the challenges you face in promoting your business. We look forward to an opportunity to meet you and work with you . . . Keep Your Sales Going Up While Bringing Your Advertising Investment Down! The Success of Your Business Depends on How Well You Market It . Want Advertising That Pays? Contact Us Now!